1. AIR INTAKE UNIT:- The air intake unit is house, chamber or unit at suction point of axial compressor. It is like a room having air entry and filtration assembles. One wall of this room having suction duct with silencing arrangements and door for entry of man for inspection or maintenance purposes. There are implosion and explosion doors to relieve excessive vacuum or pressure in suction region.
At air entry point on walls having grills. The inlet air enter through grill where dust sand or particles are striking the facing wall parts. The sand, dust and particles are sucked and blown out to atmosphere by dust inertial fan. Major volume of dust free air proceeds and passes through oil bath filters and any left out fine dust sticks to the oil soaked filtering mesh which travels at intervals and fresh portion comes in the way of air. The assembly is like continuous vertical conveyor belt. The air than proceeds further through a set of basket filters and enters the suction compartment. Similar assembly is in the opposite side. The air flow is due to vacuum created in the compartment because of suction of the compressor. There is an alarm in case of high differential pressure across the whole assembly of filters of both sides. If it exceeds further the implosion doors open proportionally to relieve the excess vacuum.
Many kinds of air filters are used in filter house. e.g
- Plated Air Filters.
- Bag Filters
- Cylindrical Filters.

(Filter House Out Side View)
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