Siemens Gas Turbine SGT-400
Power output: ISO 12.90 MW(e) / 13.40 MW The SGT-400 industrial gas turbine is a blend of 20 years experience and the latest combustion technologies. It offers a power output of 12.90 MWe for power generation and 13.40 MW for mechanical drive configuration. Its twin-shaft arrangement for both power generation and mechanical drive allows commonality of parts in mixed duty installations. The SGT-400 is available as a factory-assembled package and provides an excellent power-to-weight ratio.
In industrial power generation the SGT-400 gas turbine is an efficient unit used in the following fields of application:
*Simple cycle applications.
*Combined cycle applications.
*Combined heat and power (CHP).
*Power generation for the oil and gas industry.
*Onshore power generator for oil field service, refineries etc.
*Offshore platforms and FPSO vessels.
For mechanical drive applications the SGT-400 gas turbine is a proven unit. It is extensively employed for driving compressors and pumps, primarily for the oil and gas industry. Designed for applications where speeds and loads vary, the SGT-400 can operate over a range of different demands.
*Drive solution for pumping applications including crude oil, other refinery product transmission and water injection
*Drive solution for centrifugal compressors used in gas injection, pipeline transmission and boosting, gas processing and similar applications
*Mixed duty applications
Shaft output: (ISO) 13.40 MW
The SGT-400 twin-shaft industrial gas turbine is a proven unit for mechanical drive of compressors and pumps, and is widely used in the oil and gas industry. It offers outstanding reliability, efficiency and maintainability. It is designed to operate on a wide range of gaseous and liquid fuels.
The SGT-400 provides an ideal drive solution for pumping applications. These include crude oil and refinery product transmission and water injection. Drive from the power turbine is usually via a speed-reducing gearbox. Excellent speed and load turndown characteristics allow maximum flexibility of operation.
With a power turbine speed of 4,800 to 10,000 rpm, most compressor drive applications can be met without the need for a speed-changing gear. As drive for centrifugal compressors for gas injection, pipeline transmission and boosting, gas processing and refrigeration, the SGT-400 is the turbine of choice.
SGT-400 Gas Turbine for Mechanical Drives: 13.40 MWThe twin-shaft configuration of the SGT-400 provides excellent speed and load turndown flexibility. The design is uniquely simple, employing a single gas generator rotor with twin bearings and a single-stage overhung turbine. The free power turbine is a two-stage overhung design. Rotors are contained in heavy duty casings which are horizontally and vertically split, allowing full site maintenance. The gas turbine is equipped with a Dry Low Emissions (DLE) combustion system, achieving low NOx levels with gas and liquid fuels and a full dual-fuel capability.

The SGT-400 is available as a factory-assembled package for all mechanical drive applications. It is easily transported, installed and maintained at site. The package incorporates the gas turbine, auxiliary gearbox and all systems mounted on a single underbase. It is very compact, providing a small footprint and a high power-to-weight ratio.

*SGT-400 gas turbine for Mechanical Drives
*Shaft output: 13.40 MW (18,000 bhp)
*Fuel: Natural gas / liquid fuel, dual fuel and other fuels capability on request
*Efficiency: 36.2 %
*Heat rate: 9,943 kJ/kW-hr (7,028 Btu/bhp-hr)
*Turbine speed: 9,500 rpm
*Compressor pressure ratio: 16.8:1
*Exhaust gas flow / temperature: 39.4 kg/s, 555 °C (86.8 lb/s, 1,031 °F)
*NOx emissions (with DLE, corrected to 15 % O2 dry): ≤ 15 ppmV
*SGT-400 gas turbine for Mechanical Drives
*Proven design resulting in high availability
*Dual-fuel Dry Low Emissions (DLE) combustion system, meeting the most stringent legislation
*Twin-shaft arrangement for both power generation and mechanical drive, allowing *Commonality of parts in mixed duty installations
*Competitive cost-to-power ratio
*Compact size
*Site maintainability
*Alternate rapid core engine exchange option, minimizes downtime
Power output: (ISO) 12.90 MW(e)
The two-stage gas turbine offers cost-effective power for a wide range of duties. The SGT-400 is designed to operate on a wide range of gaseous and liquid fuels.
Industrial Power Generation:
Power generation applications benefit from the turbine’s high simple cycle efficiency (nominal: 34.8 %). In cogeneration applications the unit’s consistent, cost-effective power and steam-raising capability contribute to outstandingly high plant efficiencies.
Power Generation in the Oil and Gas Industry:
Its compact arrangement and its on-site maintainability have made the SGT-400 ideal for the oil and gas industry. It is employed on offshore platforms and FPSO vessels worldwide. Onshore, the SGT-400 is proven as a power generator for oil field service, refinery applications, emergency and standby power generation.
SGT-400 Gas Turbine for Power Generation: 12.90 MW(e) The SGT-400 design is uniquely simple, employing a twin-bearing gas generator, twin-bearing power turbine and heavy duty casings. This allows full site maintenance. The twin-shaft configuration provides excellent load acceptance and rejection characteristics, allowing robust and reliable operation in all applications. The gas turbine is available with a conventional or Dry Low Emissions (DLE) combustion system. Both systems provide dual fuel capability, the DLE system also achieves low NOx levels.

The SGT-400 is available as a factory-assembled packaged power plant. It is easily transported, installed and maintained at site. The package incorporates the gas turbine, gearbox, generator and all systems mounted on a single underbase. Turbine controls, generator control panel, motor control center for package motors and variable speed drive for starter motor are normally also package-mounted.

*SGT-400 gas turbine for Power Generation
*Power output 12.90 MW(e)
*Fuel: Natural gas / liquid fuel / dual fuel and other fuels capability on request
*Frequency: 50/60 Hz
*Electrical efficiency: 34.8 %
*Heat rate: 10,355 kJ/kW-hr (9,815 Btu/kW-hr)
*Turbine speed: 9,500 rpm
*Compressor pressure ratio: 16.8:1
*Exhaust gas flow / temperature: 39.4 kg/s, 555 °C (86.8 lb/s, 1,031 °F)
*NOx emissions (with DLE, corrected to 15 % O2 dry): ≤ 15 ppmV
*SGT-400 twin-shaft gas turbine for Power Generation
*Proven design resulting in high availability and security of supply
*Dual-fuel Dry Low Emissions (DLE) combustion system, meeting the most stringent legislation
*Twin-shaft arrangement for both power generation and mechanical drive, allowing commonality of parts in mixed duty installations
*Competitive cost-to-power ratio
*Site maintainability
*Alternate rapid core engine exchange option, minimizes downtime
Hi there,
Nice work with the blog. I am looking for installation instructions for SGT 400 with part details? Could you guide me to any site with this detail?
please visit our website at http://steamengineercompetency.blogspot.com
only USD 5.00 u can get e-book complete resources of steam turbine HRSG design , operation and maintenance
Can you give me an idea of the price of this unit on the 2nd hand market please? I am trying to help a client procure units in this power generation range but don't have this information to be able to help them as effectively as I could.
graham @ leach (dot) com
I have been studying the SGT-400 (Cyclone) for a while now. However I am trying to understand 'physically' how the overspeed trip of the SGT-400 makes it better than the SGT-300. Any help would be appreciated and even a picture of the overspeed or its whereabouts on the generator would help my understanding of its benefit. Thanks in advance for the help.
Any details pls send to garth_holton[@]hotmail.com (bar the "[" and "]")
Can you please tell me where I can purchase spare parts for the SGT 400? You can e-mail me at gustav@adept.co.za
Tx very much
We are looking for three SGT 400 stationary plants and would prefer them to be 50Hz but will work with 60Hz.
Thank you,
210-383-9840 Cell
interessante mi piacerebbe lavorare su queste macchine ...di solito lavoro sulle 94.2 /94.3 macchine da 300 mw
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